Garden Party

Can you watch my flower bloom?

My garden is full of plants i know you’ve never seen before

I’ll grab the hammock

Can you grab the picnic blanket?

The one my grandma embroidered

I won’t forget the Hydrangeas in the green vase too

Can you bring the ukulele?

Play me that sweet tune so I fall in love

I take some photos while your fingers frolic the strings

Can you take my hand after you play?

Take me to your universe

I’ll watch your lips redefine my world

Can you grab my necklace too?

The touch of a goddess flows through my hair

I’ll handle yours and make you release the tension

Can you show me your favorite flower?

I think it’s a rose

You correct me, I was confident

I love learning your mind

Angela Czeremcha
Angie Czeremcha, I am a junior Sport Management program, and I am a part of the women's basketball team, go Posse! I have always had an interest in writing and reading poetry. I find that writing poetry in my free time is something I enjoy as an escape from my busy life with sports and I am so fortunate to have my work published!
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